
Compassion. Transformation. Healing.

My life path shifted after I gave birth to my second child and experienced first-hand the toll an unsupported postpartum period can take on us — mind, body, and spirit. It was a sober reminder that our current medical system is neither set up nor equipped to provide the kind of support we all need during this sensitive, sacred time.

As I began to heal, new parents started to call me, needing guidance and support. People who felt as lost and alone as I had just a few months before. It was a literal calling into this work and a reminder that my story is not unique.  There are millions of parents all over the world who have experienced that same sense of aloneness.  Our whole world changed when our babies were born — and yet the world did not give us the time or the resources we needed to heal and transform.

But with the right support, we can emerge from the postpartum period restored and revitalized instead of drained and weary. It has become my mission to offer support and information to families through this transformational period.

This precious time was always meant to be sacred and nourishing. It can be again.

Get to know Dr. Aniko: