Integrative Pediatrics

To schedule an in-person Integrative Pediatrics visit, please reach out via phone, email, or click the Contact Us button below.

A foundation of health.

I am an Integrative Pediatrician who is passionate about finding ways to keep children and families healthy, and the best way in which I have found to do this is through the practice of Integrative Medicine. Integrative medicine is “integrative” not only because it integrates appropriate therapies from the worlds of conventional, traditional, and alternative medicine, but also because it emphasizes the importance of taking into account the whole person: body, mind, and spirit. I believe healthcare should do just that — care for health by caring for the whole person, which, especially in Pediatrics, also includes discussing ways to support the health of the entire family unit. I love collaborating with my patients and their families to find the right ways for them to uncover the health and vitality that allows them to live their lives to the fullest.

Contact Us.

Contact us to schedule a free 10 minute introductory phone call to find out if an Integrative approach to health and medicine is the right fit for you and your family.